Friday, 11 June 2010

Google is always right.

So recently, I decided to do my own little experiment to see whether the internet is becoming more and more accurate in the information it provides from searches as more and more people come online and one of the prime examples of this is the, surprisingly accurate, wikipedia. So, what other truths can collaboration between people reveal? To test this I decided to use the most popular search engine on the planet at this very moment - Yahoo - Lol JK, I mean Google.

So I searched google images for the word PRICK to see what comes up....

So here you have it, on the third page it comes up with an absolute prick from when 'Mardi Gras' was happening in America. I've never personally been to Mardi Gras but judging by this massive prick I'm not too bothered that I haven't.

Next, I searched the word LEGEND....
I think Google scores yet another point for chillingly accurate accuracy. I'm happy that the internet community chooses to collectively view Bob Marley as a legend and few people could ever justifiably say that he wasn't one. If you disagree with me, stop reading this article right now and get off my blog :).

Now, I searched the word DOUCHEBAG, and here it is...

It amazes me at just how much the internet parodies the past, the present and even itself when it runs out of things to parody. The internet must be the only thing that has the ability to insult us whenever it chooses to and yet we still laugh and brush it aside, even though if someone had the guts to say or show some of the stuff they did on the internet to people in real-life even the toughest of us would be reduced to tears. The internet's cruel, it's funny, it's genius. The internet is the all-in-one inclusive dream package. And don't forget - GOOGLE IS ALWAYS RIGHT.

IF you found all this crap that I've posted even in the slightest bit amusing or interesting then hopefully you'll subscribe to my retardedly mixed up, confusing blog - Cheap Opium

1 comment:

  1. "Google is always right"

    You betcha!


    And and and It's sudz_amigo here ( We met looong back on YWS remember? )

    Nice to see ya here!

